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Make an appointment

To arrange an appointment, please send us an email.

Unfortunately, telephone inquiries cannot be accepted at this time.


We work as private speech and language therapists for all health insurance providers.

The prices comply with recommendations of the Austrian professional association of speech and language therapy. Following rates are applied:

100€ tariff 3 = 45 min. therapy + 15 min pre & follow-up time without patients

80€ tariff 2 = 35 min. therapy + 10 min. pre & follow-up time without patients

The costs are to be paid directly in cash after each unit. After completing a therapy block, you can submit the invoice, the payment confirmation and the prescription to your health insurance company and receive a reimbursement (approx. 60%). Private health insurance companies refund up to 100%. 

Don't hesitate to ask about a social payment plan if you can't afford therapy.

Medical prescription

For the therapy you need a prescription issued by your doctor.

Diagnosis, length of time and number the therapies must be noted! (Mostly: T3, 10 x 60 minutes)

Prescriptions issued from the ÖGK (formerly WGKK) and BVAEB currently do not have to be approved.

If you belong to the SVS (formerly SVA) or KFA, the prescription must be approved  before the 2nd appointment by the chief doctor to enable reimbursement.

For the first appointment we ask you to bring the prescription as well as relevant medical reports!


Life is often turbulent and appointments change. If you cannot make it to an agreed appointment, please let us know by phone or text message at least 24 hours (of a weekday) in advance.

We will charge the full amount for a session that has not been canceled on time.

To ask for an appointment, please click here:

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